My wife and I find ourselves looking at trees everywhere we go. It is amazing that we are focused on them as we travel all the time, recognizing most but sometimes needing a closer look. Recently we were on a trip to Virginia and it was so enjoyable seeing so many different Oaks, Redbuds and yes Crepe Myrtle. (How we wish they were hardy enough to grow here). Once trees are at a 10-year mark in the landscape, a property looks mature and flourishing, however, there is never a better time than now to get started.
Recently as I was driving to a place of business in Pasco, we were driving past U Pull It Auto parts on Oregon Avenue and suddenly we saw the Dakota Pinnacle® Birch. We had to stop and take a picture from a couple angles and then this picture of the business.

Just as I was headed to the door to tell them what we were doing, the owner stepped out and asked me what I was doing. So I accomplished my mission very quickly and the owner Mark informed me that he had done the research and decided this was the tree he wanted.
The contractor that planted them would have purchased them from us originally and you can see they are doing very well. Also, look at how well kept the grass and landscape is maintained. Mark informed me the trees were just watered by the sprinklers that water the grass. I am confident that is all that is needed for most trees if the profile is well watered down to at least 3 feet or more.
This business is well worth a drive-by. From the street it is so neat, starting with the stellar landscape and roomy inviting parking lot. It made me want to buy some Auto parts...😊
We have a lot of Dakota Pinnacle® Birch, otherwise known as the Betula platyphylla ‘Fargo’, and have a hard time getting designers to look at this tremendous choice in a columnar tree. It has beautiful dark green leaves, very white bark, brilliant yellow fall color and as the owner said the leaves just shrivel up as they get done with their fall color and the wind whisks them away. A great columnar choice at 40' high and only 15" wide.