Emerald City® Tulip Tree
There are a few trees we absolutely love, and one that made it to the top of our list this year is the Liriodendron tulipifera ‘JFS-Oz’ Emerald City® Tulip Tree. As the name implies, this tree comes from the native Tulip tree family but has been selected for some of its unique characteristics.
What is unique about this tree?
Below are some of the most attractive traits of this tree that we really think makes the Emerald City Tulip stand out.
Truly Non Invasive Roots.
This tree is especially great for its non invasive way of growing. Unlike other varieties, the Emerald City Tulip grows in a non-invasive manner, making it a great tree to plant in areas where landscapers do not want to interfere with sidewalks or foundations. The tree grows soft, easy to cut roots, and does not spread its roots out too far.
A Beautiful Form

The Emerald City® Tulip Tree sets itself apart from other varieties of trees for its beautiful, upright oval shape. This tree should not require much maintenance or pruning after being planted in your landscape. It grows upright and uniformly with even branching throughout the canopy. This tree grows with a straighter trunk than the native tulip tree and has nice, slightly compact shape.
Deep Green Foliage
The Emerald City® Tulip Tree has a deeper green color in its leaves than most native tulip varieties, but still sports the unique leaf shape of Tulip Tree leaves. The leaves have a nice glossy cover on their leaves which reflect with the sun and breeze creating a peaceful canopy in the backyard of your landscape during the summertime.
Blossoms in June
The Emerald City is really unique because of its blossoms in June. Medium sized yellow flowers will dot the canopy at the beginning of summer, bringing some blossoms into your yard during summertime.
These flowers are quite unique to shade trees, and will be sure to bring attraction to your yard in the summertime.

Faster Growing Variety
Although this tree cannot be compared to the Exclamation!™ London Planetree in growth rate, it still is faster growing than some shade varieties.
A Display of Yellow in Autumn
Not only does this tree have a great shape, beautiful foliage, and flowers, it also displays a wonderful color of yellow during the Autumn months. If your landscape has some red and orange coloring trees during the fall, like varieties of Oaks and Maples, then you may want to place some Emerald City® Tulip Trees throughout the landscape to show contrast throughout the canopies and bring out the red colors more.
Its mature size is a height of 55 feet and gets to be 25 feet in diameter.
Might be a great tree to add to your next landscape project?