Discover a wonderful sugar maple with beautiful foliage and upright growth habit. Heat and disease resistant with bright red fall color, the Flashfire Maple tree is as sweet as can be.
In Good Taste
Well-adapted to tolerate warmer climates, enjoy intense bright red fall color with the Flashfire Maple Tree. Upright growth habit with oval to slightly pyramidal shape, this tree is an excellent selection for use as an accent, shade, or boarder tree.
Slow and strong growth brings the hardy Flashfire Maple to a mature height of 45 feet with a 40 foot spread. This dense deciduous tree is a compact, low canopy specimen with average texture that blends well into the landscape. Canopy clearance around 5 feet provides a full and lush foliage backdrop throughout the seasons.
A Most Delightful Way
Spring leaves emerge with gusto, revealing the hidden secrets of this deciduous maple tree. Dark, forest green foliage bursts to the forefront throughout the summer months. Plant the Flashfire as a vibrant specimen tree, sweetening the landscape with a burst of natural flair. Proportional branch development and flattering foliage are desirable characteristics, excellent for landscape, border or shade tree usage.
This maple tree maintains pristine leaf appearance distributed throughout an attractive canopy with added resistance to powdery mildew. Heat-resistant foliage remains lush, with low instances of leaf tatter. As autumn approaches, experience yet another delightful reveal as early and intense bright red fall color emerges. This zone 4 maple tolerates temperatures as cool as -30° to -20° F, but can also perform well in warmer weather and southern climates. Persistent color holds on tight with gradual defoliation over the winter.
Everything Nice
Enjoy lush, natural foliage with low maintenance requirements with the Flashfire Maple tree. Disease and heat resistance are practical features of this low-maintenance maple tree for landscapers. Additional resistance to soil conditions, low humidity and intense sunlight are also a plus. Avoid planting in heavily compacted soil and under power lines. If pruning becomes necessary, prune in the summer after leaves have fully developed. For healthy growth, place the Flashfire in full sunlight, with average to moist soil conditions.

Early fall color lights up the sky with persistent leaves of vibrant and extraordinary red-orange color. The early-season Flashfire maple maintains excellent shape, with bountiful, lush, and persistent foliage. Admire as a shapely and neat specimen tree, or enjoy dense and dark green summer foliage. A straight, upright, single stem trunk, with shallowly fissured bark supports a lively burst of natural foliage, creating an attractive canopy with excellent shape.
The Flashfire Maple Tree is the exceptional sugar maple tree ‘JFS-Caddo2’ (Acer saccharum 'JFS-Caddo2' PP 23361), which boasts a sweet red fall color with tolerance to warmer climates. Excellent foliage, strong growth, with strong mildew resistance makes this hardy tree as sweet as can be. Have you discovered the best maple tree for warmer climates?
Find the Flashfire Maple Tree in our catalog here.